A Rawket Powered Tale...

Adam Rawkinberry has been involved in communications for over a decade, gaining experience in various fields that primarily involved telecommunications. During his earlier years, Adam worked in multiple call center positions. However, a back injury left him in a low state of mind, prompting him to search for something that couldn't be taken away from him—his passion. That passion turned out to be cannabis, specifically a niche within the Texas market that had remained untouched by others.

Fast forward to Adam's birthday on October 3rd, 2021. It was a day of excitement as he had accomplished something that many adults had doubted during his childhood—he had created his first animation and was eager to showcase it. However, when he reached for his phone to call his mom, who was in another state due to the passing of her sister, Adam was met with shocking news from a cousin. His mother had been admitted to the hospital for the same health issues her sister had faced, and her condition had deteriorated rapidly. In December 2021, Adam received a call from the charge nurse, informing him that despite attempts to resuscitate her and perform CPR, his mother had passed away at 7 PM that evening.

If you'd like to see that animation...

In so many words, the loss of a loved one can't be expressed in words how much it hurts, especially when they're a close loved one, let alone a parent. Having spent the bulk of 2022 to just keep the dream alive all while processing the loss of my mom, I began to see a brighter picture that really allowed me to organize and bring light to my own dreams and goals. I won't go into a lot of detail as to what will be brought into 2023 with Houston Rawket & Texas Shaped Filter, but one thing I can assure is that it ain't over and ain't no fat lady singin' up in herre. 

Until then please check out my EXCLUSIVE designed Merch, Peep my YouTube Channel, or visit my up and coming RAWKETRADIO.COM site to see what else we have in the works within Rawket Man Media

While Creative Joints and Joint Filter Art had already been established for some time, the exact origin remains unknown. Adam encountered a particular group that integrated these elements into their daily lives outside of their professions. It was through them that he discovered the perfect technique for creating the Texas Shaped Joint Filter. However, before #texasshapedfilter became what it is today, Adam had to overcome numerous obstacles.

Throughout his journey of exploring this newfound passion, Adam struggled with his personal identity. Growing up, he spent a significant amount of time in isolation, playing alone in his room or surrounded by adults who were not the best role models. As Adam worked on perfecting the technique for the Texas Shaped Joint Filter, he also dabbled in graphics and logo design on his smartphone using advanced software. It was during his interactions with clients and newfound friends that he was given the nickname RAWket, a social media handle he initially created for a friend. Inspired by this, Adam began conceptualizing the branding for his two newfound identities: Texas Crutches (as he initially referred to them) and HoustonRawket—a social media persona centered around cannabis reviews, smoke accessory reviews, live demonstrations, and more.

One morning, after checking his messages, Adam received an unusual request from an older gentleman, asking him to change his social media handle because it conflicted with a barbecue-related identity crisis known as Texas Crutch BBQ. Adam had no desire to be associated with barbecue plates, so he brainstormed until he had a breakthrough. #TexasShapedFilter represented something more than just a joint filter to him. It embodied the pride of being a Texan, the fascinating shape of the state itself, and the notion that a Texas Shaped Filter could be applied to anything that retained its shape or fell within the Texan realm.



Also be sure to check out my social media platforms to interact with me more and to see what I got goin' on 

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